Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ava's First Birthday :: Durling Kurtz House, Exton PA

I have known Ava's mother, Monica for over TWENTY years, so I was excited when she contacted me to document her daughter's first birthday. She planned a wonderful afternoon event at the Durling Kurtz House in Exton PA. There were approximately 50 family members and friends who came from all over the globe to help little Ava celebrate her special day. It was a beautiful event filled with tradition, family, and love.

Here are some of my favorites from the day:


Anonymous said...

chuck you are truly talented, these pics are great!

Carmel Anerino said...

Is it wierd for your wife/business partner to comment on our own blog post? Maybe... but you know I am also your toughest critic. With that in mind, this is one of my favorite sessions! It is the epitome of what we seek to provide: a photographic documentation of the events, emotions and interactions this family experienced on this day (or during a time period in their life as a family). These pictures will always take them right back to Ava's first birthday, when family came together and good times were had. Great work, Baby :)